Intermittent Eating

Yes, you read it right! We call it intermittent eating (not fasting). Let us explain…

Research indicates that the resting state for a human body is fasting. And we break that fast (duh…breakfast) to fuel up the body so it can function well over the next few hours. It’s kinda like filling up your car’s gas tank. And when the fuel is near empty, you fill up the tank again. The science behind this is a lot more complicated, and there are several resources on this page for the curious cats. Bottom line, staying in a fasting state and eating only to ‘fill-up’ when you are truly on ’empty’ is the most natural state of being.

DuéPasti or ‘two meals a day’ lifestyle keeps you in that natural human state.

We did a ton of research around this concept, listened to many lectures from experts, and continue to learn. Its a life long process! Here are some tips and techniques gathered from that learning process.

  • If you are under 18, just two meals a day may not be for you; consult a nutritionist or doctor
  • If you are diabetic or have other health conditions, consult a doctor first
  • Consume each meal within 55 minutes of the first bite
  • Eating sweets is okay, but be mindful; everything in moderation
  • Eat the sweet at the beginning of a meal
  • Staying away from alcohol is preferred, but if you must, have it within the 55 minute window
  • More wisdom is on it way….

We wish you a vibrant & purposeful life fueled by Dué Pasti!

Intermittent Fasting is MEDICINE by Dr. Jason Fung

Therapeutic Fasting / Fasting for Women by Dr. Jason Fung

Optimization of Cognitive Performance by Prof. Mark Mattson

Strategy for Healing People & Planet by Dr. Michael Klapper

“Every meal changes us, at a genetic molecular level. Scientists call it Nutrigenomics.”

Dr. Michael Klapper